Have a Friendship Route sticker but entering other parts of BF Homes? You need to get a gate pass.
FYI, Las Pinas Friendship Route sticker holders — you need to get a pass from the BF Homes main gates before you can enter the parts of BF Homes that are not part of the Friendship Route.
One netizen learned this the hard way last week as he tried to enter the Elizalde gate on his way to a dinner appointment in one of the restaurants along Aguirre Ave.
Since he could usually do so before, he passed the Concha Cruz gate to get inside BF Homes from his residence in Pilar Village and did not leave his driver’s license since the guard didn’t stop him because his vehicle had the Friendship Route sticker on it.
Upon encountering the small gate along Elizalde St. leading to Aguirre Ave., he was stopped by the guard since he didn’t have a resident or non-resident sticker.
The guard asked him for his gate pass instead.
Surprised, since he used to be able to pass through both El Grande and Elizalde gates to get to Aguirre and other parts of BF, he asked if he could just leave his license there so he didn’t need to go back to the Concha Cruz gate.
The guards assigned there said they were not authorized to safe-keep the license since they were only there until 10pm and just asked them politely to go back to the Concha gate.
Since he still had time and didn’t want to pay any penalties, the Las Pinas villager complied and went back to the Concha gate to get the gate pass.
So we tried the steps that the villager followed this weekend.
Please see below:
Inform the guard where you are headed inside BF Homes

Talking to the guard.
We told the guard we were having lunch at a restaurant (Inanang — free plugging for you, hehe) in Aguirre Ave. and if we would need to get a gate pass from him or if we could just go there straight.
The guard told us we had to leave our license and get a gate pass.
2. Leave your driver’s license and secure a gate pass

Check out the violations and fines behind the gate pass. Needs to be proofread as well, we think.
We gave him our license in exchange for the gate pass.
We were also told not to exit in any of the other gates of BF Homes or we would have to pay a fine of P500 if caught.
3. Show the gate pass to the El Grande or Elizalde gate
Once the guard lowers the beam, just show him your gate pass. He will double-check and ask where you are going so just tell the guard your destination then he will let you pass.
You will again be reminded not to exit in the other gates apart from where you entered.
4. Surrender gate pass and get your driver’s license back upon exit

Exit only at the gate you entered in.
There you go.
Just so you don’t have to drive back to the gate where you entered.
This applies to all gates that are in Las Pinas, FYI.
Remember, non-resident vehicles caught without sticker or gate pass will be fined P1,000.
Drive safely, everyone and follow all traffic rules and regulations.
Question: This is only for the gate of concha cruz. So I believe the southland gate will not require us to have a gate pass. Since we pass by that to go to southville
All Las Pinas gates will have to issue passes should you go to the Paranaque parts of BF. Will edit the article. Thanks.
Mariz Mabesa, you are correct that the gate from Southland will not require a BFFHAI sticker provided you possess a Friendship Route sticker in going to Las Piñas part of BF Homes, particularly Southville and vice versa, since it is essentially a part of Las Piñas. But nowhere else in other part of BF Parañaque, that are bounded by BFFHAI Parañaque Gates like the Elizalde Gate via Concha Cruz or via Southland, El Grande Gate via Southland, El Grande Gate via Lo,,pez and Aguirre Gate via Pres. Ave. could you enter as a non BFFHAI sticker bearing motorist without a pass. The same passage you need to use as you make an exit as when you enter or else you get penalized. I hope these inputs help.
why do they do this? last time i was there biking, bawal din kapag walang gate pass. cant figure out the rationale behind this.
They say it’s for security. *shrugs*
Hi, question… so what are the stickers allowed to get to President’s Avenue from Alabang-Zapote Gate? Thanks.
BFHAAI resident and non-resident stickers only.
Pag nag enter po ako sa bf Lopez gate pero nagiwan ako ng ID, pwede po ako lumabas ng southland then balik ulit southland to bf. Mag iiwan po ba ako ng id? Thanks.