Philam Village reveals Holiday Security Awareness plans for villagers

IN a circular it distributed around the village last week, the Philam Village Homeowners Association gave out the following tips to avoid incidence of Salisi, Akyat Bahay and simple theft inside the Las Pinas subdivision:

1. Advise our PVHA office or our security detachment commander if your houses will be left unattended for some time.

2. Put on lights at your garage and back of the house at night.

3. Park your cars inside your garage at all times.

4. Lock your gates at night or when leaving your house.

5. If you see any unfamiliar faces in your premises or in your neighbor’s premises or hear unfamiliar noises, kindly call the security guards at 556-2414.


Everyone, and not only Philam residents, are asked to follow these simple tips so that our houses will be safe from criminals this holiday season.

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